Integrácia migrantov do spoločnosti

Podporujeme zamestnateľnosť a sociálnu integráciu zraniteľných skupín.

Sociálna integrácia

Podporujeme migrantov v ich zamestnateľnosti a integrácii.

Vytvárame partnerstvá pre lepšiu budúcnosť migrantov.

Zvyšujeme konkurencieschopnosť Slovenska prostredníctvom inovácií.

Sociálne inovácie

O nás

Sociálna a ekonomická integrácia migrantov pre lepšiu budúcnosť Slovenska.

A poster is pasted on a rough, beige wall. The text on the poster is in Italian, emphasizing the importance of social interaction and relationships in education. It calls for more open schools with additional teachers and classrooms, and ends with a hashtag.
A poster is pasted on a rough, beige wall. The text on the poster is in Italian, emphasizing the importance of social interaction and relationships in education. It calls for more open schools with additional teachers and classrooms, and ends with a hashtag.
A black and white image capturing a social gathering or networking event in an indoor setting. Many people are mingling, standing, and conversing with one another. The environment features large structural columns, fluorescent ceiling lights, and industrial-style architecture. Attendees are casually dressed and some individuals appear to be holding drinks or plates.
A black and white image capturing a social gathering or networking event in an indoor setting. Many people are mingling, standing, and conversing with one another. The environment features large structural columns, fluorescent ceiling lights, and industrial-style architecture. Attendees are casually dressed and some individuals appear to be holding drinks or plates.

Sociálna integrácia

Podporujeme zamestnateľnosť a integráciu migrantov do slovenskej spoločnosti prostredníctvom inovatívnych projektov.

A group of diverse hands intertwined and held together, symbolizing unity and collaboration. The hands appear to belong to people of different backgrounds, conveying a powerful sense of community and support.
A group of diverse hands intertwined and held together, symbolizing unity and collaboration. The hands appear to belong to people of different backgrounds, conveying a powerful sense of community and support.
Several people are socializing closely in dim lighting, likely in a party or club setting. Two individuals in the foreground are embracing each other, creating a sense of intimacy. Other people are visible in the background, engaging in conversation and activities. The environment appears lively with casual outfits being worn by the individuals.
Several people are socializing closely in dim lighting, likely in a party or club setting. Two individuals in the foreground are embracing each other, creating a sense of intimacy. Other people are visible in the background, engaging in conversation and activities. The environment appears lively with casual outfits being worn by the individuals.
Zamestnateľnosť migrantov

Naša iniciatíva zvyšuje zamestnateľnosť zraniteľných skupín a prispieva k ich aktívnemu začleneniu.

Sociálna inovácia

Realizujeme projekty, ktoré reflektujú demografické zmeny a podporujú integráciu migrantov do spoločnosti.

Sociálna integrácia

Podporujeme zraniteľné skupiny a zvyšujeme ich zamestnateľnosť.

A diverse group of people are gathered for a protest or awareness event, holding various colorful signs advocating for disability rights and inclusion. Some signs have text promoting the inclusion of individuals with disabilities in sports and society, with messages like 'I want to turn my disability into ability' and 'Support Disability Rights.' The participants appear engaged and passionate about the cause.
A diverse group of people are gathered for a protest or awareness event, holding various colorful signs advocating for disability rights and inclusion. Some signs have text promoting the inclusion of individuals with disabilities in sports and society, with messages like 'I want to turn my disability into ability' and 'Support Disability Rights.' The participants appear engaged and passionate about the cause.
A group of people is gathered holding various signs and posters advocating for disability rights and empowerment. The signs carry messages promoting inclusivity, equal opportunities, and changing perceptions about disabilities. The crowd consists of diverse individuals, including children and adults.
A group of people is gathered holding various signs and posters advocating for disability rights and empowerment. The signs carry messages promoting inclusivity, equal opportunities, and changing perceptions about disabilities. The crowd consists of diverse individuals, including children and adults.
A group of people are socializing indoors. A man and a woman are embracing and appear to be engaged in a heartfelt conversation. Other people in the background are also interacting with one another. The atmosphere is casual and warm.
A group of people are socializing indoors. A man and a woman are embracing and appear to be engaged in a heartfelt conversation. Other people in the background are also interacting with one another. The atmosphere is casual and warm.
A group of people, including men and women, are gathered outdoors, shaking hands and engaging in conversation. They are dressed in a mix of traditional and casual clothing. Trees and natural elements create a vibrant background, suggesting a community or social event.
A group of people, including men and women, are gathered outdoors, shaking hands and engaging in conversation. They are dressed in a mix of traditional and casual clothing. Trees and natural elements create a vibrant background, suggesting a community or social event.

Spätná väzba

Zlepšujeme integráciu migrantov do spoločnosti a zamestnanosti.

Tento projekt výrazne pomáha zlepšiť životy migrantov a ich integráciu.

Jana Nováková
A group of young adults dressed in formal attire, smiling and enjoying themselves at what seems to be a party or social gathering. They are standing closely together, suggesting a sense of camaraderie. The background features low lighting with colorful decorations, indicative of a lively atmosphere.
A group of young adults dressed in formal attire, smiling and enjoying themselves at what seems to be a party or social gathering. They are standing closely together, suggesting a sense of camaraderie. The background features low lighting with colorful decorations, indicative of a lively atmosphere.


S projektom som veľmi spokojný, pomáha nám lepšie sa integrovať do spoločnosti.

A group of people standing in a circle, with their arms around each other, suggesting a sense of community or solidarity. In the background, there are individuals facing the group, possibly leading or speaking to them. The setting appears to be indoors, with a focus on interaction and connection among the participants.
A group of people standing in a circle, with their arms around each other, suggesting a sense of community or solidarity. In the background, there are individuals facing the group, possibly leading or speaking to them. The setting appears to be indoors, with a focus on interaction and connection among the participants.
Peter Kováč

